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Reminder - Register for our Personal Finance Portal!

In case you are not already registered, we offer our clients online access to view your portfolios and plans via our Personal Finance Portal (PFP). The portal enables secure communication with your advisor and storage of important documents in one place 24/7 on any mobile or web device.

An introduction to the PFP can be viewed by clicking the link above, or visiting the Client Portal page of our website www.brigroup.co.uk/client-portal and selecting the Personal Finance Portal.

Some key benefits include:

  • Easy visibility and access to your finances in one safe place, at your convenience.
  • Increased data security
  • Streamlined communications and reduction of unnecessary paper usage
  • Set up, tracking, and amendment your ‘Goals’
  • ‘Insights’ provide key updates on goal progress, expenses, income, net worth and valuations

Register for your PFP account here https://briwealthmanagementplc.mypfp.co.uk/

Please use the same email you have provided your advisor, if your email needs updating, please contact your advisor to inform them of the change.

Get in Touch

If you would like us to contact you, please complete the enquiry form and we’ll be in touch soon.