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Business Owners' Breakfast and BRI’s Upcoming Events

Prior to the pandemic, BRI hosted several breakfast seminars for Business Owners/Senior Directors to discuss various aspects pertinent to their roles and of great importance in formulating their future planning requirements. Our Head of Wealth Advice, Andy Gillett, led a number of the sessions, which were limited to 10 guests to enable good two-way discussion and greater involvement.

With the world – or at least the UK – seemingly opening up again, we are planning to stage more such events face to face in Warwickshire and Worcestershire.

The presentations will cover aspects such as Director Remuneration (Salary/Dividend/Pension contributions), the value of company pensions, Life Cover, shareholder and key man protection. Post pandemic and with huge Government borrowing to repay, we all know the direction of travel for individual and company tax rates, so that these sessions are now of even greater value.

If you are a Business Owner and would like to attend one of our sessions hosted throughout this year, please contact Vince Hopkins directly: vh@brigroup.co.uk

In addition to the above, we are hosting a number of events which include an Afternoon Tea at the Royal Porcelain Works in Worcester, with former Royal Butler Grant Harrold, on Friday 20th August. If you would like to attend, then please email marketing@brigroup.co.uk.

We are pleased to announce that we are the new official sponsor of the Myton Hospices annual Golf Day, which will be held at Coventry Golf Club this year on 16th September. This will be a great opportunity to support the charity and help their fundraising efforts.

Later on in the autumn, we are looking to host a tech industry focused Market Update webinar with our CIO, Dan Boardman-Weston. Keep an eye out for further details on this webinar over the coming weeks.

To keep up to date with all of our current and future events, visit our Media Centre and Events page here, and look on our Twitter page and LinkedIn as we regularly provide updates there.

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