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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – cut costs and start saving

The cost-of-living crisis has become for many, a very real issue that has taken a hold of and impacts our everyday finances in a major way.

Whilst we can live in hope that some government intervention takes place to ease the negative effects being felt, there are a few tweaks and changes that we can action to help reduce our spending, boost any savings, and ultimately relieve any finance-induced stress.

Living a more sustainable lifestyle has been at the forefront of societal conscience for some time, and for those of us yet to incorporate this into our lives, now has never been a better time.

Fast fashion is out and pre-loved is in

With many sites like Depop and Vinted becoming increasingly popular and even ITV’s Love Island opting for eBay as their 2022 sponsor, over former fast fashion favourites, we are seeing this trend gain momentum. “Even if this means buying or selling one or two pre-loved items to start with, it’s a step in the right direction.” – Jemma Tadd, head of fashion at eBay UK. (source: Love Island Dumps Fast Fashion Sponsor For eBay | British Vogue)

So how exactly can you kick-start your preloved journey and benefit from sustainable styling?

More information and ideas can be found on Re-Fashion an online site dedicated to encouraging uptake of this trend and home to thousands of preloved bargains 10 Reasons To Buy Second-Hand Clothes | Re-Fashion

For the more hands-on and creative minded amongst you, upcycling has also seen a significant uplift in popularity.

When it comes to switching existing furniture and household items to create a new look, many simply re-work, re-style, and upcycle existing pieces to create a brand-new look and it could be as easy as a fresh coat of paint.

Much like preloved fashion, there are often great bargains to be had at vintage and antique stores, charity shops, car boot sales and Facebook Marketplace. Think one man’s trash, is another man’s treasure.

Upcycling enthusiasts recommend these top 5 tips for your next project:

For inspiration and tips from the professionals, tune in to watch Kirstie: Keep Crafting and Carry On, weeknights on Channel 4, Dick and Angel’s Make Do and Mend, coming soon to Channel 4 or Craft it Yourself on All4 for ideas on how to not only upcycle, but create pieces from scratch.

For additional easy to adopt daily changes, think of the three R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and visit https://www.recyclenow.com/ for more advice from their campaign.

Small changes can lead to big differences

Whilst it is unlikely that by solely incorporating these changes into your life, you will be able to completely overturn the effects of the current economic situation, however with consistency, over time, these can add up to a healthy savings boost. With any savings you are able to make, why not consider one of the following:

If you would like to discuss any of the above suggestions or need help with ISAs, investments, or longer-term financial planning, then we advise speaking to a professional advisor.

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